Honda Repair: 1991 Acura Integra Engine Oil Burning, integra engine, acura integra

Hi, I have to add 1L oil to my car's engine for 400km to 500km driving (about one full fuel tank).

Someone tells me my car will burn oil very much, if I drive on highway often (Speed:120km/h). Is it right?

And the engine oil color is black everytime (even after oil changed). Is it a big problem?

Could you please give me an suggestion and/or solution?

Thanks alot.

That is a lot of oil to be burning and the type of driving should not make that much difference. You will probably need to have your engine torn apart and rebuilt to fix the problem unless the oil is leaking out of the engine instead of burning it. I would take the car in somewhere and have the mechanic diagnosis where the oil is going so you know what ($$$) you are going to have to deal with.
Good luck