Honda Repair: 91 honda accord problems, honda accord, delivery problem

I just had the timing belt and pump, the spark plugs, rotor, cables, and fuel filter replaced on my 91 honda accord because I was told the belt had skipped. This all occured because my car started giving me problems and then wouldn't start. The car now is running ok but I'm starting to get similar symptoms as before the repairs above. When the car is idling it seems like it is missing every now and then and feels like it might quit on me.  Also I have just started noticing that when I push on the gas it hesitates a little when getting started but runs fine after that. I also have had trouble starting my car everynow and then since having these things replaced.  I'm not sure but could it be flooding?  
I also have a problem with my speedometer not working and can't seem to find the problem. I don't think it is related with the previous problem because it started a while ago. I'm putting it in for completeness. I replaced the speed sensor and right now I'm trying to test the wiring where it enters the ECU.  Maybe my ECU is bad?  The speedometer went bad after replacing the TCU with a used one to fix the problem with going into limp mode.

Sorry for the disorganization but if you can help I would greatly appreciate it.  

It sounds like you have a fuel delivery problem. It could be the fuel pump or the fuel regulator or both. The regulator has a back flow on it to stop the fuel in the line from going back into the tank and that would account for your hard to start condition because there is no fuel in the lines. The other thing you may need to check is your injectors to make sure they are clean. This car is fuel injected; therefore you cannot flood the engine. The problem with the speedometer may be the cable or the gear that goes into the transmission; I would check that before looking at the speed sensor.
Let me know if this helps, if not let me know the time line of these problems.