Honda Repair: 2000 honda accord vehicle speed sensor, vehicle speed sensor, speedometer cable

My 2000 honda accord (4dr 4cyl. automatic transmissom) speedometer is jumpimg all over the place and the car doesn't want to shift unless I let go of the throttle and accelerate again. The check engine light is also on so I took it to a parts store so the can hook it up to the diagnostic computer and it read output speed sensor. I try locating the speed sensor on the transmission and found two of them which "I think" is the speed sensor. There is one on top towards the back and one towards the bottom front side of the transmission. Is those two sensor the speed sensor? And how many ohms should the speed sensor reads? Can you help me located the sensors and solve the trouble with my car? Thanks

It should have three terminal connectors on it, I'm not exactly sure where, but it is on the transmission housing. The resistance should be between 190-250 ohms.
Make sure you speedometer cable is in good shape and not binding any where, that can also cause the problem you have.
Good luck.