Honda Repair: 99 honda accord a/c problem, blown fuse, poor car

i pruchased the car about a few months ago and the a/c worked fine then. now the a/c will not give out any cold air. i had a mechanic take a look at it, and he pluged in a can on one of the hoses and asked me to turn on my air to max. the air still came out hot. he said that it should've blown cold air. he said that the a/c motor (excuse my poor car knowledge) isn't turning on and it could be a wiring problem. i did recently have an alternator changed out on the car, could that have caused it? i'm not really sure of what to really ask. please let me know what you think. i have a 99 honda accord V6 EX 2dr. thanks

Having the alternator should not have caused any problem with the A/C. The alternator charges the battery. You could have a blown fuse and I'm not sure where the fuse is. It is either in the passenger compartment or under the hood in the engine.
Good luck.