Honda Repair: 89 honda accord DX starts and then stalls, honda accord dx, 89 honda accord

hi, i have been having a problem with my 89 honda accord, lately i will start the car cold and it will rev to about 3 or 4 grand and then slowly die if i dont give it any gas, i continued to give it gas till it was warmed up but it seemed that it didnt help and would die, and it would die especially if i tried to put it in gear, i checked all the vacuum lines and replance cracked ones but it still has the same problem, please help

The carb. system on your car is very complicated. There were many problems with that system. I will give you some of those.
Check the vaccum advance with a vacuum gauge.
Check the distrubitor advance by removing the cap and making sure the advance system is not siezed up.
Check the 2 vaccum lines on the back of the carb. You need to remove the air filter housing and look back where the fuel cut-off selnoid goes to the carb. They break all the time.
Make sure the carb. base gasket is not leaking. Spray carb. cleaner and see if the rpm goes up. If it does, then you have a vaccum leak somewhere.
Also check your choke settings. Sounds like your choke may not be set right.
You may need to take it to a professional. Like I said, these carbs. are very difficult to diagnose, being a feedback carb.
Good luck and thanks for the question.