Honda Repair: 89 Honda Accord - Hesitates at Accel, coolant temperature, oxygen sensor

My daughter's 89 Accord (2.0 w/FI and AT) has developed an intermittent problem:  Approximately once a day when accelerating from a stop the engine hesitates. If I pump the throttle lightly the car will finally go again - and runs fine after that.  I seems to start fine and runs well.  I took it to a shop.  They put it on a scope but found nothing (although I'm sure the problem did not surface on the scope). I suspect a fuel problem but would expect the problem to be more consistent. Thanks for any help you can lend!


Interminant running problems are one of the hardest things to diagnose. Especially online. Good news is that I can give you some things to check for. The first thing that pops into my head is a bad Oxygen sensor. A lazy sensor will cause what you describe. It will not act up when cold, only warm. Another common problem with that car was the TW sensor. It measures the coolant temperature. If the sensor is bad, it will cause the same problem.
Be sure to check the basics, like spark plugs, wires, and cap/rotor first.
Good luck and thanks for the question.