Honda Repair: 90 Honda Accord LX Drivers Door lock, honda accord lx, honda accord

I had something stuck in the lock for my drivers door. I took apart the door and got the lock out. I DID get the stuff out of the lock, but putting the door back together something went wrong. Now I can't open the door or lock the door very easily. It takes a lot of pulling on the handle on messing with the lock at the same time. Somewhere in there the two mechanisims (lock and open) are restricting each other.

Please help.

Thanks for your question.
It would be alomst impossible to tell you what went wrong without looking at the lock assy. Sounds like maybe you bent a rod or put something back together wrong.
If you want to save money, take the door panel off and then take it to the dealer. Tell them to just look at it and tell you whats wrong, then you can fix it yourself and save some money.
Good luck