Honda Repair: 99 honda accord engine light, honda accord, honda dealer

I have a 99 Honda Accord with 90,000 miles. When I took it to the Honda dealer last month for regular servicing, I was told that the transmission had to be replaced. It had been serviced at 30,000 and 60,000 miles.  Honda agreed to replace it for $1800 - which we split 50/50.  When I took the car for the replacement, I told them the engine light had come on. They said I need a new catalytic converter for $800.  I decided to get a second opinion first (although I haven't yet).

When I picked up the car, the engine light was off.  It came back on for about a week and went off again after the next tank of gas.  The car is running well.  How can I tell that I need a new catalytic converter?  Why should I need a new converter AND a new transmission after 80,000+ of well-serviced care?  

The gas cap has no pressure when removed. Is this related to the converter?  Thanks.

You can get a catalytic converter cheaper than that,that right there is a rip off,what you could which really would benefit you greatly,I know auto zone does free diagnostic on the check engine light coming on,get them to check it out and ask them to look up the code if one pops up,as far as your transmission,Inreally couldn't tell you,you would know more about that than I would,you would be able to tell if it started acting up,cause I assume you mostly drive it so there fore I'm pretty sure your familiar with the way it drives rather it would be smooth or not the only thing I can tell you on that is to use your best judgement and see if you notice the way it drives rather it be rougher or not