Hyundai Repair: Ignition Switch, park position, wasting our time

I have a 2009 Sonata that sometimes the ignition switch can't be turned to the point for key removal. We have tried to get Green Hyundai in Springfield IL to replace the ignition switch but of course they can never duplicate the problem,so they seem to think we are just wasting our time and theirs. They say bring it back sometime when it happens well we don't live next door to them and it doesn't always happen during their business hours. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hi, Roger.  I've no advice for actually having the dealer perform a repair other than contacting Hyundai consumer affairs at 800-633-5151.  Their issue is that they most likely cannot determine the cause of your problem unless it is occurring when they look at the vehicle.

You may, however, be able to assist them in their diagnosis if you can provide them with information.  Since the key comes out of the ignition when you deliver the car to them, I'm going to make the presumption that you somehow along the way get the key out.  If this is indeed the case, do your best to let me know what you do that causes the key to come out (or if it just starts working again on its own).

The answers to the following may assist in determining the cause of your problem:
1.  Try all of your keys.  Do you have one (or more) that work properly and one (or more) other keys that do not?
2.  Can you pull any of the keys part way or all the way out of the ignition when pulling with a reasonable amount of force?
3.  When the problem occurs, is the gearshift able to be put in the park position?
4.  When the problem occurs, will jiggling the gearshift around allow you to remove the key?
5.  When the problem occurs, can you push in on the ignition switch about 2mm?