Hyundai Repair: oi; in spark plug, hyundai lantra, rocker cover gasket

My 1995 Hyundai Lantra was running really rough.I checked the spark plugs.No.3 plug was soaked in oil.Also the spark plug socket won't grip the spark plug.Any advice would be greatly appreciated
kind regards

Presuming this vehicle is the same as the U.S. 1996 model year Elantra, you'll need a 5/8" or 16mm thin-walled socket to go onto the spark plug.  In some cases, the wire terminal stays on the plug, preventing the socket from going onto the plug.  In this case, you'll need to use a pair of long needlenose pliers to remove the terminal from the plug.

The oil is originating from a circular seal in the rocker cover that seals the oil from entering the spark plug tube.  To repair the oil issue, you'll need to replace the rocker cover gasket and spark plug tube seals (four circular seals).