Hyundai Repair: hyundai xg300 2001 wheel bearings front, wheel bearings, hyundai xg300

Can you tell me if there is an outer and inner bearing on the front xg300? Everywhere I look for parts they only list an inner. Also how difficult are they to change? The bearing picture looks like a straight bearing not conical.
Can this be?

There is only one bearing, and it's straight like you describe.  It's composed of two rows of roller bearings.

The steering knuckle will need to be removed from the car and the bearing pressed out with a hydraulic press after removing the retaining clip.  Very few do-it-yourselfers will be able to do the whole job.  If you can remove the knuckle yourself, you can do that and take the knuckle and new bearing to your local machine shop to have the old bearing pressed out and the new one pressed in.