Hyundai Repair: 2004 Hyundai Sonata timing belt, timing belt tensioner, 2004 hyundai sonata

I have 62,000 miles on the car and would like to change the timing belt but need to know what I'll run into. Need detailed instructions so I can do it myself. I'm looking for a good service manual but can't find one for this model year.  

You can view the factory service manuals at  You'll need to register for a free account, and the site requires Internet Explorer.

It would be my recommendation to replace the balance shaft belt (if you have a four cylinder) and the timing belt tensioner when you do the job.  

Also, if it's a four cylinder engine, it's a fairly complicated timing belt to replace.  If you're not familiar with doing timing belts, it may be advisable to have someone who is familiar helping you or to have a professional do the job.

If you need further information beyond that which is in the manual, do respond (with information on which engine you have) and let me know what you need additionally.