Hyundai Repair: 03 Santa Fe Timing Belt / Spark Plugs, timing belt tensioner, fe timing belt

Dear HT,  I have an '03 Santa Fe with a 3.5 litre V6, 60K miles.  I'll be replacing the timing belt and spark plugs soon.  Should I plan to also replace the timing belt tensioner, the tensioner pulley, the idler pulley, and the air intake plenum to intake manifold gasket?  Thanks for letting us all know about, and thanks for your time. Murph

I'd recommend replacing the timing belt hydraulic tensioner with the job.  As for the pulleys, simply inspect them to make sure they're in good condition.  Their failure is infrequent, and in the event one starts to go bad, it should begin making noise.  The hydraulic tensioner, on the other hand, tends to be a silent killer.

Even though you could probably reuse the plenum gasket, it's good measure to replace the gasket anytime something is disassembled.  I see it as cheap insurance.  You should probably consider replacing the plug wires as well.  It'd be unfortunate if you developed a problem shortly after replacing the plugs.  I recommend only factory plug wires.