Hyundai Repair: Tiberon 2.7 clutch repair, high school graduation, clutch repair

I bought my son a 2004 5 speed Tiberon 2.7 for his high school graduation.  I also bought the 100,000 mile extended warranty to help with any problems when he left for college.  I was sold the extended warranty by what seems to be less than honest sales people who said that all I would have to pay for during that warranty was tires, gas, oil and brakes.  Two weeks ago my son's car breaks down in Florida (we live in Louisiana).  He was originally told it was the transmission by the Florida Hyundai service people.  They made him agree to a $389 charge to check the transmission.  When they find out that nothing was wrong with the transmission they tell him and me (long distance at this point in time) that the clutch has to be replaced.  The car has 27,000 miles and was in the dealer's shop for a checkup three weeks earlier.  I get a bill for $1,954.00 to repair the clutch.  Is this crazy or am I over reacting?  MY son's previous car was a 5 speed Mitsubishi Eclipse that he drove over 120,000 miles with no clutch problems.  Is the Tiberon a piece of garbage or what?  Thanks for any opinions.

this is more or less from the oold driver an maybe why he got rid of it being it needed a clutch but this is wear part an you never know , an as for why they did not know before taking it apart dont know this is something you need to bring up to the dpsm( distric parts an service manager