Isuzu Repair: thermostat, coolant system, correct torque

Daniel, is the water thermostat on the 2001 Isuzu trooper just under the intake,on the housing that has three bolts holding it down? If so can you remove it without taking off the intake? And when you do replace it whats the best way to bleed out any air? Thanks Leo

The thermostat is held in place by three bolts. Yes you are right Leo. The best way to remove it is to drain the coolant, remove the housing. Clean off the housing plate very well using a gasket scraper or a fine wire brush. Then flush the coolant system and replace thermostat and housing. Make sure to install the thermostat the correct way and put the gasket/and or sealant on the housing as well plus torque the housing to the correct torque to 168 inch pounds!! Anymore questions and I am here okay??