Jaguar Repair: fuses

QUESTION: I tried cleaning and replaced the fuse but still not working          thank u          


ANSWER: Nike, what are you testing each side of the fuse with?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Howard,thank u for your help. everything is working great. the second fuse I put in was bad. U were right on. Hope u are able to answer ny other question.   thanks again and what a great site to be able to ask ?          Mike

Just pick one more circuit that don't work and look at your diagram (if you don't have a diagram let me know and I will post one on my web site for you to copy) Take a 12v test light and start testing at the "Load" (item that don't work) and follow the diagram from the "Load" and test each junction and go toward the "Source" (Power supply)  You can not fail to find the problem if you will do that.
