Jaguar Repair: 82 xj6 flashers, jaguar god, browser address bar

QUESTION: I have a flasher problem same as some others on this site , you motioned posting a wiring diagram for the flasher wiring on my 82 xj6 could you post that for me and others i have read a lot of your answers , you are a god you have already helped me before i thank you for spending all this time to help me and others , thanks again .


I posted the diagram on my web site. Go to Turn Jag1x1.jpg
Any problems let me know and I will send one of my angels down to earth to solve the problem.

Jaguar God

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again god I have been unable to see the diagram clicking on the link just gets me a unable to find ( is there a computer god lol ). I have fixed the problem now it was just bad connections on the relay , changed the relay but have very dim dash indicators , they work but very dim could this be a bad ground , Thanks Howard aka god lol .

Hi Reg,

Sorry about the link, that was my fault, you would have to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser. I should not have left spaces in the address as this program didn't recognize the whole address, only the first part of it. If you still want the diagram just high light the whole URL address and hit ctrl C and high light what ever address is in your browser address bar and hit ctrl V and then hit enter.

As for the dim lights, did you check the dimmer control for the dash lights.
