Jaguar Repair: My 1985 XJ6 - addendum, starter wire, starter relay


First, I realize my fender light doesn't blink, it is a parking light. Forget all of that. But, what is with the hazard indicator flashing with the turn indicator?

Second, just after I wrote the previous message, I went and hooked the battery up, but detached the white/red stripe starter wire from the firewall relay, and the rest of the car behaved perfectly as in every accessory functioned, and the car turned off when I turned the car off. So, the starter is bad, but did it go bad and melt wires and cause all this havoc, or did some havoc ruin the starter!? I only replaced it about a month ago, and I imagine it will be replaced under warranty either way, but I don't want this to happen again. Have you seen anything like this in your years of experience?



I am sorry, I thought that I answered this question. Please check all your wiring from the starter to your battery and to the ignition switch. Also check the starter relay and the ignition starter. Your starter relay,ignition switch or bad wiring probably caused the problem. Sam