Jaguar Repair: fuel changeover switch, walnut veneer, dash switch

Trying to replace fuel changeover switch in late Series 3 XJ6. How do you physically remove the switch without damaging the surrounding walnut veneer? My manual says the panel can be levered out, but I cannot figure out how.

Hi Adrian,

It has been a while since I pulled one but that is not how I remember it. I think you have to remove the heat/AC knobs and the nuts behind them and remove the face plate tilting the top forward as you wiggle it out being careful not to damage the fiber optics. You don't need to completely remove the plate, just tilt it out at the top enough to get two screws holding the plate that the switches are mounted in. There may be two additional screws up in the top of the plate (don't remember)

Are you sure that switch failed? I worked on a lot of the switching valves but never had a dash switch fail.
