Land Rover Repair: Discovery Intolerance to water, land rover discovery, cam sensor

Land Rover Repair: Discovery Intolerance to water, land rover discovery, cam sensor
1996 Land Rover Discov
I own a 1996 Land Rover Discovery I. I recently went off roading with it. I went through the first water puddle. the puddle was only 6 inches deep and traveled through it at 30mph. after traveling through the puddle my engine began to start "glugging".
It progressively got worse as I exited the path. Within 5 minuets the engine was fighting to keep from stalling. Reving the engine only made it worse. The smell of the exhaust was super rich with fule. 20 Minuets later after turing the engine off it started fine and i reved it to 2000rpms where it would progresivley get better. Soon it reved past 3500 and ran fine! Its never done this in the rain before or ever since ive owned it for about 6 months but now that ive noticed it any large puddle that will splash up under the engine it begins the problem over again.
Since then ive covered o2 sensors, knock sensors, and even the MAF.
This has gotten me beyond puzzled. If you can give me any advice for fixing this it would be greatly appreciated.

There is a cam sensor on the passenger bottom front of the engine.  Check the connector to that, and also open and blow out every other fuel injection connector.  Before reassembly, pack the connectors with dielectric grease.  I'm betting that will take care of your problem.