Land Rover Repair: RRC 88 Antifreeze Leak... Big Leak, antifreeze leak, coolant system

Thank you in advance for your time.  My truck has; a new water pump, new hoses, new radiator, the whole shabang.  The problem is that every time I drive it it leaks, still, engine coolant like crazy.  The source appears to be right where the thermostat is however the hose is in good condition, no cracks, and sealed tight.  I figure on replacing the thermostat and gasket.  If this doesn't fix it... bad waterpump?  The antifreeze in the reservoir isnt looken too healthy either... its got a greenish brown froth floating the top.  I flushed it but it comes back.  Note its not in the radiator just the reservoir and the leak is straight antifreeze.  The engine oil is clean.  
Thanks, Angela

Hi Angela,

is it possible that you have a blown headgasket?  It could be blow back into the coolant system and not the other way into the oil sump.  Just a concern over you finding 'greenish brown' froth floating in your reservoir.

When all those components were replaced, why wasn't the thermostat tested and replaced?  Yes, a new gasket would help.  Sounds like you may even have an air blockage in the coolant system.  Repair/replace the thermostat, then have the air blockage removed, if it exists.  

Myself, I'd be testing for a blown headgasket.  It's common for LR's to have this problem and your 88 Rangie is not immune.

Best of luck,
