Land Rover Repair: land rover disco 96 4 wheel drive, high pitch sound, general mechanics

My land rover has made a ringing high pitch sound coming from the right
side front when I begin to accelerate. The first time it happened I stopped the
car and called a mechanic to come look at it. It would not make the sound.
Now it makes the sound and appears to be connected to the 4 wheel drive.
The sensor does not come on indicating that it is in between high or low, but
only in 4 wheel does it stop making the noise. It is difficult to get it into 4
wheel drive. Do you have an idea of what the problem may be?

Hi Kelley,

could be CV joint.  

LR mechanic or some experience general mechanics can do this.

IF you lock in the diff, you by-pass the problem BUT you should only do this for a short time.  Driving on payment with diff lock High should only be done for short time and stay below 30mph.
Best of luck,
