Land Rover Repair: 2004 landrover discovery, oil level, oil change

I just bought the vehicle used 3 weeks ago. I had the oil changed today because it was close to 3000 miles shown on the sticker. On my way hone Have Engine Serviced Soon light came on, I do not have a manual and presume that is like lights on other cars that tell you its been 3000 miles since the last oil change. It rides fine, the oil level is good and the temperature of the engine running is fine. Is that just a reminder light?  

No, it's not a reminder.  The light is on to tell you there's a problem with the way the engine is running.  Today's computerized car can compensate for many problems but they should still be fixed to avoid more damage.  I suggest yo find a Land Rover shop and have them scan it for faults and tell you what's going on.