Land Rover Repair: 02 dis. dies dont restart for 1 hour or so, fuel filter, tow truck

02 discovery, 4.0 bosh engine. will start and run fine for a while and then just like it was shut off. It will eventually restart in a hour or longer. It has done this 2 times. First time i was not there. Second time, by the time the tow truck made it to the house it started rite up. I hate to pay a tow bill again so I'm not driving it and since it starts and runs I don't have much to diagnose.
thanx for any advice offered.

Replace the fuel filter.  I've seen this on older vehicles, sediment in the fuel filter can get shaken up while driving so that they plug the filter and cut off fuel, after sitting for a while they can fall to the bottom of the filter and allow flow again.  That is the simplest solution, but worth trying.

If that does not change anything it is likel an electrical issue, which are unfortunately very hard to track down in LR's.

Let me know what you find with the filter.