Land Rover Repair: Disco 1 leaks, camel bak, drain plugs

I have a 98 LSE and teh sunroof are leaking water when I wash teh car.  The headliner is wet around the roof and both operate normally.  In addition there seems to also be a leak allowing water to penetrate teh top of teh rear door....although this may be water findin it's way from te hrear roof.  Any ideas...I hear it coudl be drain plugs that are cloged.

it could be the drains not allowing leakage to escape, so it's backing up and coming out where it can.

the drains have  a rubber boot on them to act as a check valve (like a camel-bak nipple), crawl underneath, there's one on each side of the transmission, just squeeze the bottom to break up the gunk and it will drain, be ready to get soaked no matter where you position yourself.