Land Rover Repair: 1998 Range Rover Transmission, position sensors, transmission replacement

My Range Rover has been in the shop for a transmission replacement. my questions are, it was driving well but not going into second gear. I was told a piece of metal got into the flywheel and bent all the teeth. Does the transmission and flywheel sell separately or together. and where do you recommend to buy one?

I think you have some misunderstanding about your problem.  The flywheel is not part of the transmission.

In the USA, all Range Rovers are automatics.  If you damage the flywheel, they won't run because the engine position sensors won't work right.

If the issie is 2nd gear only, that's a problem in the transmission.  Maybe they are saying the 2nd gear pieces in the trans are damaged . . .I don't know.

We install genuine Land Rover rebuilt transmissions, which cost about $2800, or else we send them to ZF for overhaul.  That usually costs less.  In either case, you also have labor for removal and installation.