Land Rover Repair: Rangie 4.2 LSE, eas systems, personal preference

Hello Dennis!I´m considering buying a 1993 Rangie 4.2LSE with 55.000 miles on the clock. What are the most common troubles with this car. Will it be less troublesome than my 97 2.5 DSE (except fuel bills!!)

I don't have much hands-on with the classics, but they tend to have less robust EAS systems.  The mechanicals are exactly the same as the p38A, but the ECU is less tolerant to problems than the p38A.  If you keep it in good shape you should have no issues  

The rest of the Classic is more durable electronically as it has fewer other electronics, especially the dreaded BECM.  

The mechnicals are older, and sometimes prone to more problems, like more leaks, front axle issues, engine/transmission issues, and rust.

It all comes down to personal preference which one you like better, and how it's been maintained in the past.