Land Rover Repair: Clearing Fault Codes, obd ii scan tool, autologic land rover

Is the dealer the only person that can clear fault codes.

Thanks in advance

If you have a 1995 or older Rover, the engine fault codes will be cleared by unhooking the battery.  In a 1996-newer Rover an OBD II scan tool can be used to clear them.

Other faults - transmission, SRS airbag, suspension, ABS, etc . .  all those faults can only be cleared by use of one of the specialist Land Rover systems.

That means a dealer can use his T4/Testbook to clear faults, or an independent garage with a Rovacom or Autologic Land Rover tester can do the same.

You previously told me you had a 2000 Range Rover . . . the engine faults in that can be cleared by any shop with the OBD II scanner.  Any competent workshop should have one of those.

Try looking on at their shop list to see if there is an indepent shop near you with Autologic.  They could handle your service needs and allow you to avoid the dealer.