Land Rover Repair: Engine Light and many other problems on NEW Sport!, nav system, nuisance problems

Car is barely 2 weeks old and we've had our engine light come
on 3 times.  Three other symptons occur along with this engine
light coming on.

1.  The Nav system stays on the Land Rover Logo only and
buttons below screen are useless.   

2.  The radio comes on for one second and promptly shuts off in
a continuous cycle of on and off... very annoying.  

3.   The last sympton with this is the voice command function
becomes completely inoperative with no "beep" which you
normally get.  

The last visit to service they said they found a loose wire
somewhere (don't quite recall exactly where it was) but it
obviously didn't work.  

We are not very happy with this vehicle so far having taken it in
twice already.   We are going for our 3rd visit to the service
department at Land Rover on this problem.   When we go there,
the problem can not be duplicated.   It's intermittent at best.

Very disappointing indeed.   

Can you help?



Hi Pat,

oh boy...for you it begins very early on in your ownership.  For LR's this is not unexpected.  If I were you, I'd threaten to return the vehicle as a lemon IF the dealership does not clean up these nuisance problems.  If you don't get LR to take notice now, it won't get any better later.  Escalate these problems within the dealership and if you are not satisfied, contact LRNA (head office) and make your complaint.  

A new vehicle should not have these 'teething' troubles...not at this level of luxury vehicles.

You may have to present an ultimatum of 'fix it or keep it'.  

Best of luck,
