Land Rover Repair: Land Rover dicovery TD5 Key, land rover dealer, new keys

I have bought 2 of td5's for repair, one 03 disco the other 02 disco, I want to start the motor in the 02 but have no key, Can I swap the key, ingintion on steering wheel and computer to start. I knoe I have to get key cut and coded with land rover dealer, when you loose key, but can I swap systems over? Also I need to bench test both motors is it possibel to do this? any suggestions, thanks Geoff

Hi Geoffrey,

2 TD5's!  Nice...  throw me the leftovers!

As for your lock...just buy a new barrel with keys from dealer.  $300 plus.

OR...swap the ignition barrel.  No need to swap computer.  Just the key barrel (from what I understand of it).  I admit I have never done this BUT I have read that the key system is not that complicated.  

Many Series I owners have the dreaded "locked ignition barrel" and eventually have to replace it.  Comes with 2 new keys.  Cheap alloy metal that wears down over time.

You can always remove the ignition barrel and have a locksmith provide you with new key.

You must have a huge garage to do all this work in.  Bench testing the engines are out of my league...You need lifts and extra hands to do this.  Now if you own your own garage, you can afford to have your hired mechanics do this.

Best of luck,
