Land Rover Repair: Air condition, diagnostic info, luck dave

-HI ,yes there is a little book sign on the panel,and the freon level is fine and the 72 is the ambient temperature on the outside. thanks-----------------------
Followup To
Question -
why does my a/c cut off when the temperature outside goes above 72; but works perfectly below
that same 72?
This is a 96 rangerover4.0se
Answer -
Hi Richard,

I need some more info. Have you had the freon level checked? Do you have a litte book picture showing on your a/c panel on the bottom right? You say 72 degrees ambient temperature outside or do you mean when you set your panel temperature to 72 and above it doesn't work?

My first gut reaction would be the freon is low and when the performance is needed above 72 degrees it can't.

This is just the first step. If you have done this let me know.

Thanx, Dave

Have the dealer hook up the testbook to it and determine which of the 13,000 sensors and switches it could be.  I really dont have a guess without some diagnostic info. Let them give you a printout and let me know.  

Dealers don't guess real good sometimes..

Good Luck,
