Mazda Repair: Mazda 626 DX (92), brake pad change, rotor hub

Hello I am trying to do a simple rotor and brake pad change. However I cannot for the life of me get the old rotor too come off. Can you please give me instructions for this. SO far i have jacked the car, took the wheel off, took the caliper off. And now i thought the rotor would just slide off but it's not, what do I have to do from here?

thanks in advance


Not in my specific area of expertise.  Though first thing be sure it's not a rotor/hub assembly.  If so the bearing center will have to be removed with it.  If it isn't (and as best as I can recall it shouldn't be the above design) then rust is holding your hub center and rotor together.  Soak it down with a good penetrant, multiple times over several minutes and tap on the rotor and hub face as your rotate it.  It should eventually break free.  A rubber or non-marring mallet in an outward direction may also help.  Rusting and heat expansion takes it toll on close tolerances such as this.