Mazda Repair: 2002 millenia, coolant tubes, octain

Where is the knock sensor located on the 2.5L engine

not gonna like this'  it's under the intake,  special tools to remove it  cause there's also coolant tubes involved. here's something i found over the past years to bypass doing all that work.. facing the the engine underneath look to the right side of the block  you will see a 12mm threaded bolt hole with nothing there,  screw the new sensor in that bolt hole, unplug the old sensor,  and just run the wire up to the connector,  works for me.. one more thing about that knock sensor code i found is to run 87 octain gas than using the super it reconmends. reg unleaded burns hotter and seems to fix that prob i say 70% of the time,  it's a carbon build up thing i think