Mazda Repair: 2001 MPV Radio Problem, radio cd cassette, radio problem

Thanks Chris.  One  more question.  Is it difficult to remove the radio unit?  It looks like the dash panel plate comes off with just 2 screws?  thanks - BK

Followup To

Question -
My 2001 MPV has a Radio/CD/Cassette.  Recently, it stopped working.  I'm guessing it is a power problem because everything stopped working and the botton lights are out.  I checked the fuses in the passenger area and they all look OK.  Any thoughts on how I can fix this?

Answer -
Hi Brian thanks for asking,
I have had to replace a couple of these because i have seen them actualy short out internaly and just stop working. Maby you can go with an aftermarket stereo, they are always better than the stock ones and usualy alot chepaer.
good luck
Chris P

Hi again Brian
The radio unit is not usualy hard to remove. Once the panel is removed there should just be a couple of other srews holding the unit in then it should just slide out, then all you have to do is unclip all the wires going into the back of the unit.
Good luck
Chris P