Mercedes Benz repair: 1990 350sdl 3.0l, gradual takeoff power loss to now hard and stalling, best guess, 300sd

I have a 1990 MB 350sdl 197k miles with a 3.0 liter 6cyl  as per dealer look up of vin, not 3.5 as stated on sticker. Anyway within the last week I have noticed it being a little harder each day to start to a gradual decrease in takeoff acceleration to almost no takeoff power now with the pedal on the floor. After initial takeoff, runs like it should until another stop. Now I finally get it to start by holding the pedal down and slowly letting the pedal up to keep it running. If I put it in gear, it will now die, does not matter if engine is warm or cold. Also forgot to state that I am running a mixture of veg oil and diesel.  Also in this time have noticed more and more grey smoke. Have been running it for months and 6000 miles with no issues. All new filters, Alda removed and cleaned but not adjusted, have checked all hard lines and vac lines, removed and cleaned intake, removed and cleaned injectors,new glow plugs, adjusted timing with no change, fuel is plentiful, new air cleaner, turbo seems operational. My fear is injection pump, have cracked open lines when running and seen fuel almost hit the hood. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.  Terry  

Best guess:
Trap oxidizer plugged + turbo is bad.

If you are lucky my guess will be correct, however if it is wrong = bent rods and/or cracked head.

I enjoy running SVO in my (OM617) 300SD, but would never run it in a MB 350SDL, they had too many durability issues.

350SDL Engine Problems