Mercedes Benz repair: sputtering engine, fuel mixture, water in the fuel

Tim, I have a 1990 300sl. When it sits in my garage for a few days and I go to drive it, she starts fine but after i drive for about 10 minutes, the engine will sputter and stall when i come to a stop. I then cannot start the car again unless I let it sit for a while. It acts like I have water in the fuel but why does this happen just from having the car sit a few days? I only drive the car in the summer and each year I start with a bottle of fuel dryer. If I drive the car every day, she is fine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Karl

This is a little bit out of my expertise. My suspicion is that it is something to do with the sensors or computer. Perhaps the cold start device is malfunctioning and it is not leaning out the fuel mixture when the car gets warm. The car would stall and would not restart. Sorry I can't be more help, but your local MBZ technician should be able to hook the car up to a computer and diagnose the problem.