MG Car Repair: wiring problems, overdrive switch, haynes manuals

please could you help me with my 1978 mgbgt rubber bumper with overdrive as non of the haynes manuals cover this car.1st question. where do i connect the brown wire from overdrive unit.2nd question where do i connect the red and black wires at base of gearstick.and 3rd question where do i connect the yellow/red trace connector to and the green wire and green/brown trace to from the reverse switch and the overdrive switch. thanking you for your assistance tony.

Hi Tony,
I don't recognize any of the wire colors you have. The OD is operated by a manual switch that supplies power to the OD solenoid through a transmission interrupt switch that only allows the OD to operate in 3rd and 4th gear only.

You can look at the wiring diagram I have on my web site to see how it is wired and wire it accordingly.

Go to for the diagram and for the index.
