MG Car Repair: master clutch cyldiner, clutch master cylinder, clutch pedal

Follow up Question
I have the 1973 midget I wrote you about have a hard time getting it into first gear after driving it a whiles, I did as you said , checked the gear box , added a little oil, it was a little low, after that didn't help, I did put a new clutch master cylinder, got it bleed out and now have a full furm peddle, but still have the same problem, ,,,,, when I first start the car and drive a short distance it gears change perfect, after driving a short distance, less then a mile , it become really hard to get it into first gear, it just grinds really bad and now it seems to be getting worse,,, had a clutch put in 1 1/2 years ago, also new slave cylinder,,, so I am at a loss, could this new clutch have gone bad in that short a time ???? Any help would be appreciated

Thanks, Steve

Hi Steve.  If you are only having this problem when selecting first gear, then there is nothing wrong with the clutch.  If the clutch was faulty, it would happen in every gear.

These Midget gearboxes are a very old design.  First gear does NOT have synchromesh, so in order to change down from 2nd to 1st you must double-declutch.  If you are treating it like a modern gearbox, then it will crunch every time, and you will quickly damage the gearbox.  

Also, when starting off from stationary, if it crunches when you try to select first, try selecting 2nd and then move the lever to first, BEFORE lifting the clutch pedal.