MG Car Repair: 78 mgb-su fuel pump connections, plastic elbow, ring terminal

hi barry,  i was looking at some answers from howard. saw a question from "bob"-2-1-08 about fuel pump. my new pump has points but spades and tubes appear the same on it.  so, the elbow type round tube on plastic top is a breather? what color is the power wire coming from harness? where does ground attach onto car? thanks, kay

Hi Kay.  Yes, the plastic elbow on the lid of the pump is a breather.  This type of pump is correct for your 78 MGB because the lid of the pump protrudes into the boot (trunk).  

The power wire from the harness is plain white, and attaches to the terminal on the lid.

There should also be an earth wire (ground), which is black.  It attaches to a terminal on the side of the pump.  The other end of this wire comes out of the loom in the boot, near the boot latch, and it is one of several black wires that are soldered to a ring terminal.  The other black wires are the earths for the reversing lights and the number plate lights.  It usually attaches to the car using one of the small bolts that hold the latch for the boot lock.