MG Car Repair: bleeding clutch slave cylinder, clutch slave cylinder, bleeder valve

1971 MG midget. How is the best way to bleed the clutch slave cylinder. Difficult to get to, can't open valve when cylinder is installed on transmission and hard to hold hose in place for bleeder.

Hi Thomas,
Place a pan under the slave cylinder and open the bleeder. You don't need a hose if it is difficult to manipulate. Open the reservoir filler cap. Just let the fluid drip out of the bleeder valve, don't touch the clutch pedal. When the reservoir is down have way close the slave bleeder valve and slowly pump the pedal in slow long pumps. It should pump up ok if the master cylinder is ok. If that does not work open the bleeder again and let about half of the fluid drip out and close the bleeder valve and then take a pry bar and pry the clutch arm back so as to force the slave pin back into the slave cylinder and while you hold light pressure on the arm have someone pump the clutch pedal down to get the arm back into it's forward position.