MG Car Repair: Speedometer Stopped working, right angle drive, speedo cable

Howard, it has been a while. This is the 1975 MGB we were working on trying to figure out why the coil was overheating.

I think that is history.

This may be simple.

The speedometer stopped working.

Ths 1975 had a box on the firewall that had a counter on it. It was od a broken so I bypasse it by buying a 72" cable and went direct from the Tranny to the speedometer.

Everything fine for a couple hundred miles and it just stopped working.

I disconnected the cable from the speedo and the tranny and spun it and also held one end to see if the cable was solid.

It is fine, no breaks.

I re-connected the tranny and speedo and took it out for a spin.

It did not spin so I took the cable off the back of the speedo to see if it spun while I drove, it did not spin.

Something at the tranny is not spinning the cable. There is a right angle drive on the tranny that the cable screws into.

What is the logical test/breakdown do I can try to rectify quickly.

As always, thanks in advance.

Hi Robert,
The angle drive on the trans is a common failed item and just unscrew it from the trans and check to see if it will rotate. It has a short cable drive of it's own and often it brakes. If it is broken, put the speedo cable back on the speedo and spin the cable by hand to see that the speedometer itself is not locked up as that is a common cause of the angle drive failure.