MG Car Repair: MG slave cylinder, clutch master cylinder, dot 4 brake fluid

Where would I find the slave cylinder on car and how to bleed?

Hi Eric,
The slave cylinder on most MGs is mounted on the bell housing close to where the engine is bolted up to the bell housings (transmission)and is accessible from under the car. First fill the clutch master cylinder reservoir with DOT 4 brake fluid, then open the bleeder valve on the slave cylinder and let the the fluid just drip into a jar of pan. Watch the level in the reservoir so that it does not get below 1/4 full and fill it one more time. When it drains down to about 1/4 full again, close the bleeder valve on the slave cylinder and check the feel of the clutch pedal. Most will bleed this way. If the pedal does not feel firm take a pry bar and force the arm sticking out of the bell housing back so as to force the short rod going into the slave cylinder all the way back into the slave cylinder. Then push the pedal down but ONLY let the pedal up very slowly and push it down again and let it up very slowly. If this does not bleed the clutch ok, you may need a master cylinder rebuild or new one.