Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Galant Transmission Issue, mitsubishi galant, input sensor

I have a 2001 Mitsubishi Galant LS 3.0 and I have had a problem lasting over a year the transmission seems to lose the overdrive gear and I only have first second and third the engine will be at about 4000rpms at 70mph, the speed input sensor was fixed right after I bought the car from the dealership because I had the same problem, sometimes if I shut the car off and wait ten seconds I get the overdrive gear back but lose it after I stop and start going again, I am trying to figue out what is wrong and what I can do to fix it

Alex: I would have the car coded again to see what the computer tells you the problem is. If the input sensor was replace it could be that again. Still the computer controls everything in that car and the transmission too. If you got an AutoZone close by they will code the car for free and then you should have an idea what is going on. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda