Mitsubishi Repair: dashboard lights, coolant water, overflow box

QUESTION: HI linda, i wanted to ask you,my 3000gt 93 always has this light on that looks like a tank with water in it.Any idea what it is??And also i just got my heads replaced and timing belt but the car has been vibrating a lot.

ANSWER: Pierre: I believe that is a sign you are low on coolant(water), does the car use water? Does it heat at all? Well check the coolant and add to it if needed. If the car vibrates when it didn't before. Take it back to whoever replaced the timing belt and the heads; tell them about this and get them to fix the problem. It could be the timing is off, could be they did not get the timing belt on the right marks as  the older cars those marks are hard to see. I know at the shop at times, it might take us a time or two get those marks right. They are darn hard to see as the cars get older. But don't put this off take the car back as it is not right and you paid good money to get this fixed. So get them to fix it right! Hope this helps and God bless: Linda

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QUESTION: Thanks alot,ill do that tomorrow you suggest going to jiffylube or one of thos people for the radiator,the liquid is green so i think its not water.And it doesnt heat up never.Um also before the heads repair all that it was throwing alot of smoke by the exhaust but thhats fixed already.but i still notice that the exhaust still has a black like fresh oil on it.but it doesnt do the smoke though.Ok hope you can answer thank you?

Pierre: Sometimes it takes a while for things to set, in like engine repair. So I would wait a month and if you are still getting a lot of oil by the exhaust then again take it back to whomever fixed the car and have them check it out. The coolant would be green but still the car could be low. Did you check to make sure the overflow box is up to the right line, on the side of the overflow box are two lines one is for when the engine is cold and when for the engine is warm. You should have the coolant check to make sure you have the right mix of water and coolant too. You could have the car coded and the computer will tell you why it kicked on that light, what it means. That sounds like the light for the radiator and so low on coolant. You might check the air filter that might need to be changed too. You yourself says the light looks like a tank with water in it. So I would think that you are low on coolant, might not be much but enough for the computer to kick that light on. Those little cars are pretty touchy about things. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda