Mitsubishi Repair: Hard to get in Reverse, mitsubishi spider, slave unit

Can you get me some advise on adjusting the clutch. I have bleed the slave unit and refilled the reservoir. It was empty before I stated. The clutch  does not engage until the pedal is almost to the back wall. Can you Help? Also A good service manual to buy that’s out there.
Cars Info: 2003 Mitsubishi Spider. 4 Cyl GS

Anthony: You said the reservoir was empty before you started, where did the fluid go? I would say you have a leak in the hoses or pipes. Could be the master or release cylinder faulty, connection is leaking or broken, release bearing or fork. You should be able to get a repair manual for your car at any parts store for around $20.00 and well worth the money.  Either Haynes or Chilton's. But the manual would help you with a list of things to check, how to do this and then walk you through it all. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda