Mitsubishi Repair: 2002 mitsubishi gallant es, mitsubishi gallant, cv joints

hello, i have noticed for the last few months that when i am driving something is making somewhat of a thumping noise. thumping may not be the best descripton. it seems to correlate directly with the rotation of the wheels at they turn. seems more pronounced when i make left turns. any ideas what it could be?

Gina: Hello. You need to get that looked at, at a shop. Because it is either worn driveaxle constant velocity(CV) joints, worn side gear shaft counterbore in differential case. This all has to do with the rim, tire and how it all hooks to the car. If you let it go, with time you could loose a wheel. It could be something as a tire out of round but still it needs to be checked. As you want to stay safe. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda