Mitsubishi Repair: mitsibushi rvr side door, mechanicals, sliding door

Hi There,

I have recently come to own a 1992 mitsibushi rvr and the sliding door won't open. The central locking seems to be working.Don't know much of the mechanicals of the latches, Can you suggest what might be wrong

Mike: About all I can do is give you an idea what might be wrong, as I don't work on vans all that much. But do have a Dodge mini van. I am wondering if somehow the door has got off its track. Could all it needs is a good oiling with wd40. Something to just loosen up the door, its track and the latch which is holding it closed. When you went to see the van before you bought it or before you owned it. Did the door open then? A 1992 model is an older van and so it might just need to be oiled some. Hope this helps, please keep me posted on this and good luck! Linda