Mitsubishi Repair: Speedo on Magna, magna ts, cable grommet

My dad owns a 1995 Magna TS v6.  He is trying to work out how to remove the speedo cable and perhaps the speedo as they are playing up when he is driving over 60kmph.  (Very loud and the needle shakes without registering the correct speed.)  Hope you can help.

Linette: You dad should go out and buy himself a repair manual for his car. But mean while I will give him an idea how to do this. But again I mostly work on Eclipses but most cars are a lot of the same idea. So this is what my repair manual has to say about all this.... remove neg.cable off battery, remove the instrument cluster, lift off the speedometer cable adapter. In engine compartment, detach the cable grommet from the firewall, raise the car and support it securely on jackstands, remove the bolt or unscrew the collar and remove the speedometer from the transaxle, remove the cable assembly from the engine compartment, installation is reverse of removal. The nice thing of a repair manual they do show pictures should your dad get lost someplace though all that. Any parts store should sell one for his car for around $20.00. I hope this helps and good luck! Linda :o)