Mitsubishi Repair: Spark and Fuel now, but not running!!!, warm blankets, battery cables

So I was about to get it towed to a shop, since I can't drive it to Advance Auto to have the sensors checked.  I changed everything again, Cleaned all the connections...and voila, I have spark, and I can smell fuel on the plug.  So, if I am getting spark, and fuel...what could cause it not to run at this point?...I could be timing I suppose, but I don't have a manual to help in finding TDC or what to do, even if I did find TDC...or BDC as the case may be. me pulease!!!

James: We got to stop meeting like this.. lol. You sir need to get a repair manual for your car. Surely you have a friend or friends that can drive you to a parts store? Go there and buy that repair manual for your car, it will explain so much to you. I like the Haynes as I think they are easier to understand but the Chilton one is just as good for some. Those manuals cost around $20.00 and are well worth the money. No money for such a manual, then go to your library, they too carry those manuals well Chilton ones that is what my library has anyway. You could read up on your car, the TDC and anything else you wanted. I can not write all that down on this post. It would take me to long and I have other questions to answer. And I would like to sleep. It is very cold in my state, I look forward to sleeping with all those warm blankets. But that is another story and I am getting side tracked thinking about it. Still think you might have a sensor or more out someplace. You will be surprised at all the sensors your car has and if two is out; it will not start. Not for all the stark or fuel you have. If the computer does not feel things are right, forget it your car will not start.
James are you sitting down? You might want to as this is the list my repair manual has for your car engine rotates but will not start... 1. your fuel tank is empty. 2. battery discharged, engine rotates slow, 3. Battery cables loose or corroded. 4. Leaking fuel injector(s), faulty fuel pump, pressure regulator, etc., 5. Fuel not reaching the fuel rail., 6. Ignition components damp or damaged., 7. Worn, faulty or incorrectly gapped spark plugs., 8. Broken, loose or disconnected wiring in the starting circuit., 9. Loose distributor or crank angle sensor is changing ignition timing., 10. Broken, loose or disconnected wires at the ignition coil or faulty coil, With my repair manual it tells what Chapters to look under to check each of those things. But here is something to try, check the distributor is it is loose might be your problem but if not take it loose and turn it. That crank angle sensor is in the distributor. Sometimes you turn the distributor just a bit and the car will start. So try that. Other wise check all those other things I wrote to you about. Get that repair manual or hit your library. Keep me posted too, I really like answering your questions and do have a good week-end. But oh yes, stay warm. I get to have -20 to -30 wind chills this week-end now that should be fun.... lol. Hope this helps and good luck!