Mitsubishi Repair: 1994 Magna Electrical Problem, oil light, australian model

Magna Australian model 3.0 ltr V6, Bosh Alternator failed while driving, alternator light came on, car stalled, got towed home, disconnected battery and charged, replaced alternator, started car OK, battery charging,turned off car, OIL light stayed on, next morning battery flat. charged battery again, started OK, went for drive, stalled when stopped at light, started again and got home, turned off engine but OIL light stayed on and battery went flat. My gut feeling is a computer problem, but could it be the replacement alternator even though it was charging. If so then it is broken, and under warrenty, I have no other ideas, please help.

John: Are you sure this is the oil light that is staying on, could it be the engine light? You need to get your car coded, AutoZone will do that for free. Then you would know if your computer is bad or if you have a sensor or more out. But if the battery is loosing it's charge, sounds like a short to me. You need to get a repair manual for your car, buy one at any parts store for around $20.00. Then get a voltmeter, start with your battery, check everything with the help of the repair manual as to what reading you should be getting. That would help you find out if you have a short or not. That is my ideas, I did check with my repair manual on this and that is it's ideas too. Hope this helps and good luck!